




According to the preliminary results, in the first quarter of 2024, the gross industrial output reached MNT 7.2 trillion, which increased by MNT 859.0 billion (13.6%) from the same period of the previous year. This increase was mainly due to the mining and quarrying production output increasing by MNT 641.6 billion (14.5%) and 125.4 billion (9.9%) in the manufacturing production output, respectively.

According to the preliminary results, in the first quarter of 2024, the mining and quarrying gross output reached MNT 5.1 trillion, which increased by MNT 641.6 billion (14.5%) from the same period of the previous year. This increase was mainly due to increases in coal and lignite mining by MNT 732.3 billion (42.6%)and other mining by MNT 28.1 billion (80.0%) from the same period of the previous year. 

In the field of mining and quarrying industry, the physical volume of lignite coal,  hard coal,  silver concentrate, iron ore,  concentrated coal,  zinc concentrate, fluorspar, and fluorspar, concentrate increased from 1.7 percent to 3.7 times more, while copper concentrate, unrefined gold, and crude oil decreased by 0.5 to 9.8 percent from the same period of the previous year. In the manufacturing sector production of metal steel,  milk, spirit, cashmere products, coal briquette, pure water, soft drink, juice, lime, cement, combed cashmere, and alcoholic beverages increased by 2.0 to 91.8 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. However, the production of wheat flour, copper cathode, meat, and cigarettes decreased by 0.7 to 32.8 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. 

By the preliminary results in the first quarter of 2024, the sales of industrial products reached MNT 12.9 trillion, increased by MNT 2.0 trillion (18.1%) compared to the same period of the previous year. This increase mainly resulted from MNT 2.0 trillion (22.4%) increase in sales of mining and quarrying products and sales of electricity, thermal energy, and water supply by MNT 79.6 billion (14.7%).

The sales of mining and quarrying products increased by  MNT  2.0 trillion (22.4%) compared to the same period of the previous year, mainly resulting from increases of MNT 977.7 billion (19.4%) in sales of mining of coal and lignite, MNT 1.0 trillion (30.8%) in sales of mining of metal ores and MNT 10.5 billion (13.5%) in sales of other mining, respectively.

According to the preliminary results, in the first quarter of 2024, the total sales of industrial products 9.9 trillion of the total sales of 9.8 trillion MNT are from the mining and quarrying products in the foreign market. In the sales of mining and quarrying products composition, 57.0 percent was in the mining of coal and lignite, 39.3 percent was in metal ores, 2.9 percent was in the extraction of crude petroleum, and 0.8 percent was in other mining.