




On the New Year’s Eve, H.E. Khurelsukh Ukhnaa, President of Mongolia, extended greetings to the citizens of Mongolia in a televised message. 

My dear countrymen Mongolians,  

My fellow Mongol brothers and sisters,  

I extend to you my heartfelt greetings for the coming New Year.  

New Year's Day is a universal holiday where we embrace the new year with joy and excitement, surrounded by our dearest and beloved ones, and a moment for every household and nation to reflect on the past year's work, wishing for the coming year to be filled with energy, passion, happiness, and success.  

Although the passing year of 2023 was a year of trying times for humankind in geopolitics, geostrategy, environment, and climate change, for us, the Mongolians, this was a year full of historical events. Mongolia’s foreign relations and cooperation have expanded, the economy has recovered, food production and green development have been fostered, and our rich history, culture, and heritage have been promoted to the world.  

This year, the economy of our country grew by 6.9 percent, official foreign exchange reserves reached USD 4.5 billion, inflation decreased to 8.6 percent from 16.5 percent, the government revenue increased, and the state budget of Mongolia recorded surplus for the first time since the onset of the pandemic.  

Also, Mongolia’s foreign policy and relations have expanded and strengthened significantly. We successfully hosted and reciprocated a number of historic visits. We promoted our rich history, admirable culture, and glory and vigor of the Mongols worldwide. In that respect, 2023 was a historical year that signifies the flourishing and prosperity of Mongolia's foreign relations. 

This year, Mongolia has fully accomplished its goal of establishing diplomatic relations with all 192 member states of the United Nations. Thus, our country now has friendly relations and cooperation with all countries in the world. 

At the same time, an International Criminal Court Judge was elected from Mongolia for the first time. The number of countries that Mongolian citizens can travel to without a visa has increased, and the number of direct flights connecting our country with other countries has also increased.

This is the real result and achievement of our country's peaceful, open, multi-pillar, and independent foreign policy. 

At this very moment of the turn of a New Year, I am pleased to underscore that Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations, who visited our country, praised that “Mongolia is a symbol of peace", while Pope Francis, the Head of State of the Holy See, highlighted Mongolia as "a country that symbolizes spiritual freedom".   

This is a manifestation of the world's respect and acceptance of Mongolian state, history, culture, values, and deeds that have been carried forward from ancient times.  

Therefore, we Mongolians, the guardians of the hearth of Great Mongol, should be deeply aware that we are one Mongolians, one nation, and one family, and that we should love, protect and support each other, strengthen our solidarity, and always make our best endeavor for our country, united in action and spirit. 

Assurance of Mongolia's independence, national security, development, and prosperity is the energy, hope, and unity of our nation.   

Dear citizens of Mongolia,   

Looking forward to the coming new year with your family and loved ones, you are all excited about the auspicious moment of the turn of the New Year. I extend to you my heartfelt greetings for the coming New Year. May the coming new year be filled with love, success, and positivity.   

On behalf of the Mongolian people, I congratulate and express my profound gratitude to the courageous soldiers guarding at borders, and peacekeepers who work on behalf of our country for world peace, doctors, nurses, and medical staff in charge of health of the people, civil servants, soldiers and police officers, and emergency services workers who are working to ensure the safety of our country and people.   

May the vigor of Mongolia rise in the coming year of 2024. May there be peace on earth and may humankind live in harmony.   

May Mongolia prosper and flourish under the Eternal Blue Sky!   

A Happy New Year!